About the Course
NIET offers a four-year under-graduate Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech) in Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) with a specialization in Artificial Intelligence (AI) is designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of both computer science principles and advanced AI techniques. This program aims to equip students with the skills and knowledge necessary to develop intelligent systems, algorithms, and applications that can solve complex problems across various domains.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) enables machines to learn from experience, when used they adjust with different inputs and perform tasks like a human. AI is used in various domains like finance, healthcare, video-games and automobile industry. As an example, applications like a pulse oximeter or chess-playing computers or self-driving cars use AI. The applications mentioned above heavily rely on natural language processing and deep learning. A large amount of data can be processed by computers with intelligent processing using these technologies.

More about department
Curriculum Details/Modules
Application Process
- Register on portal by filling & submitting Registration Form.
- Please take a note of Email ID and Phone Number used during registration.
- Email ID submitted at the time of registration will be used for all communication until application is completed.
- To login, enter phone number provided at time of registration, you will receive an OTP. Enter OTP to login.
- Once registered on portal, you can log into portal to start your application.
- You can always continue your application from where you have left.
- Affordable education with maximum learning
Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)
- Engage in successful professional practices in the area of Artificial Intelligence and pursue higher education and research.
- Demonstrate effective leadership and communicate as an individual and as a team in the workspace and society.
- Pursue life-long learning in developing AI-based innovative solutions for the betterment of society.
Program Outcomes (POs)
Our graduates will be able to
- Apply Artificial Intelligence and its applications to design intelligent systems for the betterment of society.
- Develop AI-based innovative solutions demonstrating research, entrepreneurship, professional ethics, and communication skills.
- Demonstrate competency in AI by working in a team and engaging in life-long learning.
Career Path

Apply Online for Admission to B.Tech in CSE (Artificial Intelligence)
You can apply online for admission to B.Tech in CSE (Artificial Intelligence) quite conveniently in a hassle-free way. For more information about the program, you can download the brochure below.