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Turning Aspirations
Into Achievements


Join us in creating the future of education

The printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley.

We are proud to nurture our students' brains and our respected faculty's rewarding careers at NIET. Our institution is a pedagogical sanctuary where academic environment fosters intellectual curiosity and scholarly endeavor among teachers and professors. When our faculty members release their creativity and inspire the next generation of thought-leaders, the classroom becomes a furnace of innovation and futuristic knowledge.

In pursuit of academic excellence and professional progress, we provide instructors and professors with a wide range of employment options in numerous streams. Our academic community values teachers and professors as change agents and knowledge advocates. Through joint research, multidisciplinary partnerships, and instructional innovations, NIET educators may make an everlasting impact on academia and society.

Our culture of recognition and appreciation honors and celebrates educators’ contributions to our academic success. We recognize their devotion, enthusiasm, and competence via a culture of appreciation. From prizes and accolades to professional development and research funds, NIET nurtures and honors its teachers.

Join us in creating the future of education as we strive for academic achievements!

Current Openings

  • Dean – School of Computer Science (CS) & Information Technology (IT)

    Openings Experience: 15+ Years in Academia & Research

    Openings Location: Greater Noida

    Apply Now
  • HOD- Department of Cyber Security

    Openings Experience: Ph.D. with 10+ years of experience in Academia & Research

    Openings Location: Greater Noida

    Apply Now
  • HOD- Department of Cloud Computing

    Openings Experience: Ph.D. with 10+ years of experience in Academia & Research

    Openings Location: Greater Noida

    Apply Now
  • Assistant Professor - Department of CSE (Cyber Security)

    Openings Experience: Master's Degree (M.Tech. in CSE/IT) with a minimum of 3 years of experience in academia

    Openings Location: Greater Noida

    Apply Now
  • Assistant Professor - Department of CSE- Cloud Computing

    Openings Experience: Master's Degree (M.Tech. in CSE/IT) with a minimum of 3 years of experience in academia

    Openings Location: Greater Noida

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  • Assistant Professor - Department of CSE- AIML (Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning)

    Openings Experience: Master's Degree (M.Tech. in CSE/IT) with a minimum of 3 years of experience in academia

    Openings Location: Greater Noida

    Apply Now
  • Assistant Professor - Department of CSE-DS (Data Science)

    Openings Experience: Master's Degree (M.Tech. in CSE/IT) with a minimum of 3 years of experience in academia

    Openings Location: Greater Noida

    Apply Now
  • Assistant Professor - Department of CSE-IOT(Internet of Things)

    Openings Experience: Master's Degree (M.Tech. in CSE/IT) with a minimum of 3 years of experience in academia

    Openings Location: Greater Noida

    Apply Now

NIET, 19, Knowledge Park-II, Institutional Area, Greater Noida (UP) -201306