Reseacrh & Innovation Labs
Igniting Innovation in the
Internet of Things
Internet of Things

About the IOT Lab
The IoT Lab at NIET, Greater Noida, is a hub of innovation and experimentation in the Internet of Things (IoT) world. Our lab is dedicated to exploring, researching, and developing cutting-edge IoT solutions that profoundly impact various industries and everyday life. This lab has hardware kits based on various IO sensors and programming boards like Arduino/Nodemcu/Raspberry Pi. We are having tie-ups for cloud platforms with IBM Watson and PTC Thingworxs.
Our IoT Lab is a dynamic and interdisciplinary research space where talented individuals from diverse backgrounds come together to explore the limitless possibilities of IoT technology. We are passionate about harnessing the power of connected devices to solve real-world problems and drive innovation.
Welcome to the IoT Department's Research Labs, where innovation meets technology and ideas become reality.
Our state-of-the-art research facilities are at the forefront of the Internet of Things (IoT) revolution. Here, we strive to push the boundaries of what's possible in interconnected devices and intelligent systems.