Intel AI Academy

In most of the business world today, not a day passes without advancement in Artificial Intelligence (AI) sector as it has become main stream. Few industry experts are of the opinion that Artificial Intelligence is closely connected to popular culture thus driving the people to have improbable expectations and unrealistic fears about how it will alter the life and workplace in general. AI is spreading throughout various industries. Some of them include education, healthcare, banking, finance, and many more.
Industries that have adopted AI on a bigger level are more from the service industry. Even industries like web design and development being impacted by AI in a huge manner. For instance, many web design and development agencies are making use of AI for coming up with more sophisticated website designs and automated codes that help them scale the speed of development.
Students learn how to search problem, analyze and formalize the problem (as a state space, graph, etc.), select the appropriate search method, and write the algorithm for it and given a real world problem, choose and implement appropriate learning algorithms such as decision trees, support vector machines, and ensemble.
The open-source Anaconda is the easiest way to perform Python/R data science and machine learning on Linux, Windows, and Mac OS X. With over 15 million users worldwide, it is the industry standard for developing, testing, and training on a single machine, enabling individual data scientists to:
- Quickly download 1,500+ Python/R data science packages
- Manage libraries, dependencies, and environments with Conda
- Develop and train machine learning and deep learning models with scikit-learn, TensorFlow, and Theano
- Analyze data with scalability and performance with Dask, NumPy, pandas, and Numba
- Visualize results with Matplotlib, Bokeh, Datashader, and Holoviews
- Computer
- Windows 10 (64bit)/MAC/Ubuntu 16.04
- Processor-Intel Core i5, 3.20 GHz
- RAM: 32 GB
- System Type: 64 bit OS

NIET is gradually implementing artificial intelligence, or machine learning, on campus in ways that should theoretically be able to help with efficiency and compensate for human errors while supplementing our strengths. Machine learning is the capability of computers to learn new information without someone giving specific instructions to them. They learn by analyzing patterns and data, rather than someone programming them. Artificial intelligence can potentially simulate human-like patterns of thinking, but emotions are thought to be exclusively-biological.